Monitoring and evaluation are important management tools that are necessary to track the progress and facilitate decision making for present and future interventions. However, there are lots of differences between them. Some major differences between monitoring and evaluation are listed below:
Monitoring | Evaluation |
Monitoring is the systematic and routine collection of information about the programs/projects activities | Evaluation is the periodic assessment of the programs/projects activities |
It is ongoing process which is done to see if things/activities are going on track or not i.e. it regularly tracks the program | It is done on a periodic basis to measure the success against the objective i.e. it is an in-depth assessment of the program |
Monitoring is to be done starting from the initial stage of the projects | Evaluation is to be done after certain point of time of the project, usually at the mid of the project, completion of the project or while moving from one stage to another stage of the projects/programs |
Monitoring is done usually by the internal members of the team | Evaluation is done mainly done by the external members. However, sometimes it may be also done by internal members of the team or by both internal and external members in a combined way |
Monitoring provides information about the current status and thus helps to take immediate remedial actions, if necessary | Evaluation provides recommendations, information for long term planning and lessons for organizational growth and success |
It focuses on input, activities and output | It focuses on outcomes, impacts and overall goal |
Monitoring process includes regular meetings, interview, monthly and quarterly reviews etc. Usually quantitative data. | Evaluation process includes intense data collection, both qualitative and quantitative |
It has multiple points of data collection | Data collection is done at intervals only |
It gives answer about the present scenario of the project towards achieving planned results considering the human resources, budget, materials, activities and outputs | It assesses the relevance, impact, sustainability, effectiveness and efficiency of the projects |
Monitoring studies the present information and experiences of the project | Evaluation studies the past experience of the project performance |
Monitoring checks whether the project did what it said it would do | Evaluation checks whether what the project did had the impact that it intended |
Helps to improve project design and functioning of current project | Helps to improve project design of future projects |
Monitoring looks at detail of activities | Evaluation does not look at detail of activities but rather looks at a bigger picture |
It compares the current progress with the planned progress | It looks at the achievement of the programs along with both positive/negative, intended/unintended effects |
Information obtained from monitoring is more useful to the implementation/management team | Information obtained from evaluation is useful to all the stakeholders |
Monitoring result is used for informed actions and decisions | Evaluation result is used for planning of new programs and interventions |
Answers the question “Are we doing things right?” | Answers the question “Are we doing right thing?” |
Regular report and updates about the project/program act a deliverables here | Reports with recommendations and lessons act as a deliverable here |
Good or effective monitoring does not rely on evaluation results | Good or effective evaluation relies to some extent on good monitoring |
There are few quality checks in monitoring | There are many quality checks in evaluation |
It provides information for evaluation | It provides information for proper planning |