15 Differences between In-vivo and In-vitro fertilization


In-vivo and in-vitro fertilization two different methods of fertilization that occurs between the female egg and male sperm in different setting. Simply understanding, in-vitro fertilization refers to the fertilization of egg and sperm within the human body (female) while in-vitro fertilization refers to the fertilization outside the human body i.e. in laboratory. Some other difference between in-vivo and in-vitro fertilization are:

                In-vivo fertilization                   In-vitro fertilization
In-vivo fertilization refers to the normal method of fertilization between female egg and male sperm within a human body. In-vitro fertilization refers to the artificial method of fertilization between female egg and male sperm outside a human body
The term in-vivo came from the Latin word “within the living” The term in-vitro came from the Latin word “within the glass”
It is a natural/normal method of reproduction that occurs in uterus/womb of female body It is an artificial method of reproduction done in laboratory using different humanized techniques
This method of fertilization is normal and natural among couples This method of fertilization is chosen to cure infertility in human, either male or female
It is a non-surgical method of fertilization It is a surgical method of fertilization
Babies born through this method are considered as normal babies Babies born through this method are called ‘test-tube-baby’
From chemical perspective, during in-vivo fertilization all chemical reactions between the egg and sperm occur within the human body From chemical perspective, during in-vitro fertilization all chemical reactions between egg and sperm is conducted in laboratory
None of the chemical changes and reactions are in human control as everything occurs within human body All the chemical changes and reactions are in human control/in a controlled environment as this fertilization is conducted outside human body
It is a simpler technique of fertilization It is relatively a more complex technique as it involves surgical procedure to retrieve the eggs
The cost per treatment is lower Cost per treatment is higher and causes higher financial burden
This method provides limited information during check up and treatment This method provides valuable information during treatment as the reactions between egg and sperms are evaluated initially in the lab setting
It can be also considered as an experiment done using a whole living organism It can be also considered as an experiment done outside while living organism
This method of fertilization is suitable for fertile couple who don’t have any reproductive health complications This method of fertilization is suitable for infertile couple/s that has some complication related to reproductive organs.
It is a not an assisted method of fertilization It is a physician assisted method of fertilization
This method does not have risk of multiple pregnancy The risk associated with this method is the possibility of multiple pregnancy
























About Kusum Wagle 219 Articles
Hello and greetings everyone! I am Kusum Wagle, MPH, WHO-TDR Scholar, BRAC James P. Grant School of Public Health, Bangladesh. I have gained profound experiences in public health sector under different thematic areas of health, nutrition, sexual and reproductive health, maternal and newborn health, research etc., targeting diverse audience of different age groups. I have performed diverse roles ranging from lecturer in the public health department of colleges, nutrition coordinator, research coordinator and consultant, in different programs, projects and academic institutions of Nepal. I also hold immense experience in working closely and persistently with government organizations, non-government organizations, UN agencies, CSOs and other stakeholders at the national and sub-national level. I have successfully led and coordinated different projects involving multi-sector participation and engagement. Moreover, I am also regularly involved in the development of different national health related programs and its guidelines.