What is Global Gag Rule (Mexico City Policy)?

What is Global Gag Rule (Mexico City Policy)?

  • Global Gag Rule (GGR) Policy states that the organization that receives fund from US would no more receive the fund if it was found offering abortion services. Even the counselling of abortion should not be offered.
  • GGR prohibits foreign nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) who receive U.S. global health assistance from providing legal abortion services or referrals.
  • This rule requires foreign non-governmental organizations to agree, as a condition of receiving global health assistance, that they will not perform or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning or provide financial support to any other foreign non-governmental organization that conducts such activities.
  • Global Gag Rule (GGR) is the name given by the critics to the ‘Mexico City Policy’.
  • GGR is often known as the ‘Mexico City policy’.
  • The fund for those health facilities or I/NGOs that provided other services along with the family planning and abortion referral or abortion services too would be cut down.
  • Country like Nepal Kenya and Zambia many others that receives the fund from US are highly affected.
  • Gag rule not only has affected in SRHR but also has affected the programs like HIV control, nutrition program, child health programs and many others.

History of Global Gag Rule:

  • President Ronald Regan first came up with the policy.
  • Policy further reinstated by Bill Clinton established by George W. Bush reinstated by Barack Obama and further established by Donald Trump in 2017.
  • President Trump, USA signed a Presidential Memorandum relating to the Mexico City Policy, now known as Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance (PLGHA).

Impacts of Global Gag Rule all over the world:

a) The GGR has direct effect on the global health and hampers the health of all

b) GGR is a slap over women rights.

c) GGR opposes medical ethics:

  • Medical ethics always puts the patient in priority.
  • Patient has the right to make decision about their health.
  • They have right to information.
  • GGR not only prohibits the individual to take decision about the health but even restricts the health professional to provide referral or the information

d) GGR increases the rate of unsafe abortion:

  • Around 25 million unsafe abortions were estimated to have taken place worldwide each year, almost all in developing countries (WHO)
  • Unsafe abortion is the major cause of MMR
  • With the GGR restricting the family planning service unintended pregnancy is bound to increase. This will lead to increase in unsafe abortion.
  • GGR spoils all the achievement till date

e) GGR affects the overall health services

  • US is one of the largest donors. As the Trump’s GGR has extended forward and cuts off the aid of the institutions providing the abortion information and services the other health activities are also limited.
  • The activities of the NGOS offering variety of services along with abortion
  • services have to either run without the aid of US or totally stop providing abortion services. This limits the activity.

f) GGR also hampers the sovereignty of those nation where abortion is legal

  • 37 out of 64 countries that receive US fund for global health has legalized the abortion. These 37 countries reflect 880 million women.
  • The health professionals should either follow the law of their own nation or follow the GGR for funds and carrying out other health related activities

Impacts of Global Gag Rule in Nepal:

  • Nepal too has been affected
  • FPAN (Family Planning Association Nepal) one of the major body that carries out the family services throughout the nation
  • FPAN had formed the bond with USAID back in 1970s
  • Together they conducted and provided family planning services in different parts of nation including sterilization and abortion services as well.
  • Due to GGR, Nepal losses its fund which has been majorly provided from USAID
  • FPAN even had to lose its staff members due to the sudden financial crisis.
  • Besides USAID, other US based I/NGOs like MSI Nepal too has limited their services
  • Several out-reach clinics, camps which were once regularly conducted are now irregular and inconsistent.
  • Family Planning (FP) services are less accessible

What if Global Gag Rule is continued?

  • Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) is bound to increase as unsafe abortion is one of the major causes for the maternal death globally
  • Unsafe abortion would further increase
  • Unintended pregnancy may increase due to lack of family planning services.

References and for more information:









About Kusum Wagle 217 Articles
Hello and greetings everyone! I am Kusum Wagle, MPH, WHO-TDR Scholar, BRAC James P. Grant School of Public Health, Bangladesh. I have gained profound experiences in public health sector under different thematic areas of health, nutrition, sexual and reproductive health, maternal and newborn health, research etc., targeting diverse audience of different age groups. I have performed diverse roles ranging from lecturer in the public health department of colleges, nutrition coordinator, research coordinator and consultant, in different programs, projects and academic institutions of Nepal. I also hold immense experience in working closely and persistently with government organizations, non-government organizations, UN agencies, CSOs and other stakeholders at the national and sub-national level. I have successfully led and coordinated different projects involving multi-sector participation and engagement. Moreover, I am also regularly involved in the development of different national health related programs and its guidelines.