Importance of Biodiversity, Challenges and Strategies to Preserve !

What is biodiversity?

  • Biodiversity is defined as “the variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems.”
  • It is the foundation of ecosystem services to which the human beings are closely interlinked.
  • Biodiversity refers to the total number of the species plants and animals and variety of living beings. It recognizes every biota.
  • Biodiversity has three essential elements: Genetic diversity, eco-system diversity and species diversity

Importance of biodiversity:

1. Economic stability

  • Plants and animals are essential part of the ecosystem and comes under the biological component.
  • Biodiversity is necessary to maintain balance in the ecosystem.
  • More diverse the ecosystem, the more productive and balanced is the ecosystem.
  • Biodiversity contributes to the natural function of the ecosystem.
  • The bio-geocycle that runs and maintains the balance in nature are due to the activity of the biodiversity.

2. Aesthetic importance

  • Biodiversity is also the source of refreshment.
  • They add beauty and exquisiteness to the environment.
  • They also enhance recreational activity such as bird watching, trekking, fishing, etc.

3. Source of food

  • Biodiversity is the main source of the food.
  • Food we eat i.e. plant or animal is biodiversity.
  • Humans derive almost 80% of food supply from 20 kinds of the plants.
  • Biodiversity provides variety of food for the planet.

4. Economic importance

  • Biodiversity have economic importance as well.
  • Biodiversity is source of income for many people.
  • It provides raw material such as fiber, oil, dyes, etc., for industries.
  • For the food producing industry, crops are the raw materials, which are biodiversity.
  • Biodiversity has the economic importance either in the form of raw materials, or agriculture, tourism, etc.

5. Human health

5.1 Ecosystem services

  • Biodiversity is the foundation for human health.
  • There is deep relation between biodiversity and human health.
  • Biodiversity sustains and regulates the ecosystem services which are necessary for the survival of the human beings.
  • All ecosystem services are necessary to maintain the proper health of human.

5.2 Food

  • Biodiversity is necessary for food security, dietary health and to sustain livelihood.
  • Diet promotes health, prevents from diseases, and strengthens immunity.
  • Proper diet is necessary to maintain micro-nutrient balance in the body.

5.3 Research and medicine

  • Biodiversity is also important as it is the major source of medicine and medical research
  • Study of wildlife, their anatomy, physiology and functioning leads to better understanding and development of the human medicine
  • Often the study is carried out in animals before using up on the human
  • Moreover, plants are also often used for the extraction of medicines.

5.4 Infectious disease

  • Microorganisms that cause the disease or the vectors that transmits them both are the part of the biodiversity
  • Patterns of the infectious disease hugely depends upon the interactions of biodiversity
  • Human activities disturbing the function of ecosystem and altering the native biodiversity can have negative effect and result in unwanted consequences

5.5 Climate change

  • Biodiversity provides numerous ecosystem services that are necessary to human well-being.
  • Climate is an integral part of ecosystem functioning, human health is directly and indirectly affected by interaction between biodiversity.
  • Longer term changes in climate affect the viability and health of ecosystems, influencing shifts in the distribution of plants, pathogens, animals, and even human settlements.

Challenges for ensuring biodiversity:

i) Diversity

  • There are diverse species of flora and fauna. All of these are not even discovered.
  • Interaction of these flora and fauna with the environment and other component of each species are beyond impossible.
  • All the assumptions made are generic.
  • So, this huge diversity is a challenge for protection.

ii) Population growth and increasing demands

  • Growing population is a major challenge to biodiversity conservation
  • People utilize biodiversity for the fulfillment of the basic needs and desires
  • More the population, more would be the exploitation of the biodiversity
  • It is quite difficult to maintain the balance and proper use with growing population

iii) Climate change

  • Climate change and its extremities are major challenges for biodiversity conservation.
  • Climate change and its consequences lead in habitat destruction and extinction.
  • Climate change is inevitable and can’t be reversed.
  • It is very difficult to stop climate change and the effects are already seen. However, we can slow down the process and help in promotion of biodiversity.

Strategies to preserve biodiversity:

a) Habitat conservation

  • Prime step is to conserve the habitat
  • Many species are endangered and in the brink of extinction and some have already extinct. The major reason for this is destruction of their habitat.
  • Therefore, their habitat forest, water, wetlands needs to be protected
  • We should also encourage afforestation.
  • Certain area can be protected in the form of national park, wildlife reserves and many more.

b) Captive breeding and the seed bank

  • Captive breeding is when the animals are held captive and are bred under supervision
  • Seed-bank is where huge varieties of the plant seeds are stored
  • This step is suitable to protect the endangered species
  • Further, the species can be reintroduced to their natural habitat

c) Government legislation

  • Government can play very crucial role in protecting biodiversity.
  • Government can make laws to protect the habitat, and endangered species.
  • Government can also make strict laws against the poacher and hunters and take action to control pollution and climate change, which is the major reason for biodiversity loss.

d) Avoid invasive species

  • Invasive species are the non-native species
  • Invasive species hinders the growth of native species
  • For the protection of the biodiversity promotion, preservation of the native species is must.

e) Education

  • Awareness among the local people regarding the importance of the biodiversity is very important.
  • Basic knowledge on conservation techniques, use of sustainable production, afforestation, and pollution control will also help a lot.
  • Inclusion of local people in the conservation of the National Parks is considered very effective
  • Additionally, buffer zones can be made to protect the conservation areas.

References and for More Information:



About Kusum Wagle 219 Articles
Hello and greetings everyone! I am Kusum Wagle, MPH, WHO-TDR Scholar, BRAC James P. Grant School of Public Health, Bangladesh. I have gained profound experiences in public health sector under different thematic areas of health, nutrition, sexual and reproductive health, maternal and newborn health, research etc., targeting diverse audience of different age groups. I have performed diverse roles ranging from lecturer in the public health department of colleges, nutrition coordinator, research coordinator and consultant, in different programs, projects and academic institutions of Nepal. I also hold immense experience in working closely and persistently with government organizations, non-government organizations, UN agencies, CSOs and other stakeholders at the national and sub-national level. I have successfully led and coordinated different projects involving multi-sector participation and engagement. Moreover, I am also regularly involved in the development of different national health related programs and its guidelines.