Prevention of Mother To Child Transmission (PMTCT)
Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) is a commonly used terminology for preventing the transmission of HIV virus from pregnant mothers to their infants […]
Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) is a commonly used terminology for preventing the transmission of HIV virus from pregnant mothers to their infants […]
Effectiveness and efficiency are two mutually exclusive terms. If one is present, the other may not be present and vice-versa. There are some major differences […]
Monitoring and evaluation are important management tools that are necessary to track the progress and facilitate decision making for present and future interventions. However, there […]
Demographic Transition Theory The word ‘Demography’ came from the prefix ‘demo’ meaning people and ‘graphy’ meaning description or measurement. Similarly, ‘transition’ means process of changing […]
Human Development Index (HDI) Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite measure of health, education and income Human Development Index was developed by a Pakistani […]
Terminologically, ‘equity‘ and ‘equality’ sounds similar while hearing or reading it for the first time. But actually, they are just homophones (i.e. sounds similar but […]
QALY, commonly known as Quality Adjusted Life Years is a metric which measures the healthy years lived by an individual QALY used as a measure […]
Introduction: DALY stands for Disability Adjusted Life Years. From the name itself, DALY is the number of years of life adjusted/compromised by a person due […]
What is Ottawa Charter? The very 1st international conference on health promotion was held on Ottawa on 1st November, 1986 which presented a charter for […]
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