What is ‘POSDCORB’ Model?

Background of ‘POSDCORB’ Model:

  • In the field of public administration and organization, POSDCORB model is largely used as the traditional assessment of organizational theory.
  • The model was developed and disclosed by Luther Gulick and Lyndall Urwick in 1930s.
  • They published it in their ‘Papers on the Science of Administration’ in 1937.
  • Primarily, POSDCORB was proposed in an action to advance public provision authorities.
  • According to them, POSDCORB model is common to all organizations.
  • POSDCORB has been broadly prevalent and most stated to the concept in the management and administration of several entities and is still appropriate after more than 80 years of its proclamation.

What is ‘POSDCORB’ Model?

‘POSDCORB’ stands for:

P = Planning
O = Organizing
S = Staffing
D = Directing
CO = Co-ordinating
R = Reporting
B = Budgeting

1. Planning:

  • Planning is the process of deciding where we want to be from where we are right now.
  • Planning is the assurance of intellectual conduct.
  • It is an organized way of preparing to take certain action.
  • It includes the work to be completed and the actions to be taken to achieve/implement those works.
  • Planning is the backbone of any project/organization.
  • It is also called that, ‘If we fail to plan, then we plan to fail’.
  • Therefore, planning determines the direction of the organization.
  • Planning means determining the path in which all the efforts and all the workforce of the organization will be heading for over a permanent term of time, appropriately to strive for a preset result.

  • It is goal oriented and should also possess different choices of alternatives.
  • Planning can be short term (days, weeks and months), medium term (quarterly, bi-annually and annually) and long term (from 3 years or more) depending on the need and situation.
  • This result must be inspiring enough to motivate but not discouraging to panic and discourage the workforce.

2. Organizing:

  • In organizing, the managerial staffs are instructed to organize for all the essential resources i.e. raw materials, financial resources, human resources, and equipment
  • It refers to all sort of needful things to achieve the desired result.
  • It also includes arranging for the management expertise to help accomplish the goals established beneath planning method.
  • Therefore, it is necessary to have proper division, distribution, delegation and organization of responsibilities between and among the staffs.
  • Moreover, it should be also ensured that there is an optimal combination between determination and progression of the staffs and the resources available in the institution.

3. Staffing:

  • Staffing includes having right person in the right place at the right time.
  • It basically refers to the personnel and human resources.
  • It is necessary to have competent and qualified personnel for effective management and smooth functioning of the organization.
  • Staffing incorporates all the activities of recruitment, selection, training and capacity building of the human resources.
  • It also comprises of organizing staffs for the best role as per their interest, qualification and expertise.

4. Directing:

  • Directing means giving direction.
  • Directing is basically the role of a manager/top level officials.
  • It includes giving direction and showing ways to the team members/staffs to achieve the goals.
  • It also involves motivating the staffs and team members, and showing them the possible ways to achieve the desired results
  • At this point, the manager/director has to direct their determinations to the crucial goals of the organization by separating those critical planned goals into minor, practical, time-bound objectives.
  • Directing involves having ‘birds view’ of the situation so that the real situation can be assessed and specific actions can be directed to all the team members.
  • The person responsible for directing has to carry out the starring role of mentor and promoter. He/she should also inspire other team members/staffs to complete their work in a better way by overpowering the challenges.

5. Co-ordinating:

  • Coordination involves synchronized efforts between the team members.
  • Coordination refers to synchronization of the efforts by several divisions/team members to ensure that they are moving in tandem with one another. If one division of an organization moves uncoordinatedly, it might affect the performance level and outcome of all the divisions.
  • It comprises of coordination in managing the employees and to complete the tasks.
  • Coordination also involves interlinking various components of the work.

      For this, the manager has to ensure two things:

  • He/she has to hire administrators for every single department/workstation/project who will direct the efforts of the personnel under their responsibility with those under other managers.
  • Each employee should be made mindful as to how his/her role fits into the higher, managerial whole. Additionally, he/she will also feel accountable to take essential efforts for doing the job.

6. Reporting:

  • Reporting means communicating about the actions/events to the supervisor/manager or concerned authorities.
  • Reporting can be verbal, written or in any other form that is suitable for the both the parties (one who is reporting and the other who is being reported).
  • Reporting helps to update about the work to the concerned authorities so that necessary adjustments to the plan can be made as per the necessity.
  • Likewise, reporting helps to share all necessary information related to the challenges/obstacles to the staffs, new protocols, appreciation, etc.
  • Reporting is also a way to gather/collect evidences.
  • Prompt and regular reporting with the concerned parties can be beneficial for effective and efficient results.

7. Budgeting:

  • Budgeting/finance is the essence of an organization.
  • There is a common adage, ‘No budget, no activities.’ This simply shows how crucial budget is for every organization.
  • It involves the activities of fiscal planning and controlling, accounting and auditing.
  • It is very important for every organization/individual to plan, execute and record all the budget and financial activities properly.
  • Budget and its use must be transparent to all the concerned team members.
  • Suitable and constant description of every single penance expended is essential for the endurance and success of any organization.
  • Resources – man, money, material and time – must be assigned to every single work center or assignment in advance and the teams accountable must be held accountable for their restricted usage.
  • There should be strict mechanism and policies to minimize discrepancy in the budgetary part. Also, in case of any intentional misuse of the budget, there should be strict laws and penalties for any individual/team.

Importance of ‘POSDCORB’ Model:

  • POSDCORB is a system in managing where workforce and recruits can be proficient in a manner that would be profitable for a commercial or business purpose.
  • It ensures effective and efficient functioning of the organization.
  • POSDCORB model
  • POSDCORB model helps organization to divide the work into several dealings and provision in getting utmost value out to every staff.
  • These stages and footsteps of this ethics support the human resources to provide to the requirements of an industry.
  • POSDCORD model also aligns with the 14 principles of management which are essential and underlying factors for effective and efficient management. They are:
    • Division of labor
    • Authority and responsibility
    • Discipline
    • Unity of command
    • Unity of direction
    • Subordination
    • Remuneration of personnel
    • Centralization
    • Scalar chain
    • Order
    • Equity
    • Stability of tenure
    • Initiative
    • Esprit de Corps

Limitations/Criticisms of ‘POSDCORB’ Model:

Some of the major criticisms of ‘POSDCORB’ model are:

1. Very Simple Concept:

  • One of the major limitations of POSDCORB is that it is a very simple theory/concept – a mere list – of certain of the responsibilities of the sophisticated management authorities.
  • Countless of the tasks planned there have previously been passed on to several departmental administrations under present managing practices.

2. Disregards the role of leadership:

  • POSDCORB as a theory is exaggeratedly hooked on a mundane set of duties that are administrative and machine-driven in nature.
  • Some managers also argues that POSDCORD model ignores the dynamic area where any chief manager can in fact; make the substantial influence to the organization.
  • POSDCORB does not emphasize leadership skills of any kind.

3. It is stated by different scholars that POSDCORD model does not recognize the management peculiarity of each organization which needs to be dealt differently than described in the model.

4. The formula of POSDCORB model can be applied to strict organizations like military or forces but may not be effective for general management and administration.

5. It is also assumed that the concept cannot be fully applied in government administration.

References and For More Information:








About Kusum Wagle 217 Articles
Hello and greetings everyone! I am Kusum Wagle, MPH, WHO-TDR Scholar, BRAC James P. Grant School of Public Health, Bangladesh. I have gained profound experiences in public health sector under different thematic areas of health, nutrition, sexual and reproductive health, maternal and newborn health, research etc., targeting diverse audience of different age groups. I have performed diverse roles ranging from lecturer in the public health department of colleges, nutrition coordinator, research coordinator and consultant, in different programs, projects and academic institutions of Nepal. I also hold immense experience in working closely and persistently with government organizations, non-government organizations, UN agencies, CSOs and other stakeholders at the national and sub-national level. I have successfully led and coordinated different projects involving multi-sector participation and engagement. Moreover, I am also regularly involved in the development of different national health related programs and its guidelines.